Tuesday, 26 January 2010

Who would produce my thiller

Due to our film being very British a British distributor would produce it, such as the UK film council. “The UK film Council is the Government –backed lead agency for film in the UK ensuring that the economic, cultural and educational aspects are effectively represented at home and abroad.” Other financers that would help fund our thriller would be TV channels such as Film4 as this would help inform the audience on what our film is about and help spread the word to gain a greater audience to view and pay to watch the film.
The production company we invented it is called “Pineapple Productions” and we have a logo:


This is showing the inside of a normal shop as the man is walking through. He then walks through the walkin freezer, this is where the credits will be placed on the meat.

These shot are of the man opening the door and leaving a blood stain on the handle this exagerates the fact of how unsanitary he is and aslo gives him a sense of manace and death.

These are shots of the rusty knives and equipment, also the dirty workshop. Setting the scene for where the meat is going to be diseased.

These shots show the mystery man chopping up the meat, which will be sold, with dirty bloody hands and rusty knives also exagerating the very unsanitary workplace.

Close up of dirty boot walking across the floor and messing up the title. This also shows the camera follow his feet, and pan up the body to the hands injecting the meat.
Side shot close up of meat being injected by dirty syringe and hand.

Wide shot of hand throwing the syringe backwards with a wide Shot of the syringe landing on a worktop with lots of other syringes, blood, knives.

The Shot list then continues on to show the meat being packaged and driven away to a supermarket to be sold.

Monday, 25 January 2010

Finalisation of Thriller idea

After consulting with my group we decided that one idea was no better than the other, after discovering this we decided to combine parts of thriller ideas together. When doing this we also made are thriller more universal as our idea could happen close to anywhere in the world.
The key theme of what our thriller idea is based upon is that not everything you are told are true. We developed this by creating the idea that an infection is being spread by meat through Britain, as food poisoning is a common fear among people. Instead of the disease being spread by a suspected suspect such as fast food restaurants and factory farmed meat, the disease is being spread by a “farm fresh best quality organic meat”.
This is a contrast to who you would expect as it is someone who claims to be “organic best quality meat”, it highlights the fear that just because something claims to be what it is doesn’t mean it is.

Our opening sequence begins with a man walking through a butcher. He will then enter a walk in freezer with hanging meat. On the meat is where we will put are credits when editing, the names of directors and such will be scratched into the meat to give them a look of menace.

The man will then go onto a room full with rusty knives, blood and a box of meat. He then goes onto to inject the meat with a suspicious looking formula which is actually the disease which has been killing people. When cutting and handling the meat, he will use very unsanitary items and handle the meat carelessly maybe even drop the meat on the floor and then pick it back up and continue using it.
The man then packages the meat and on the box it will have a label saying “ Farm fresh best quality organic meat”. The meat will then be taken in a van towards a leading supermarket. Supporting the idea that you shouldn’t believe everything you see.