“Editing is the process of selecting and preparing written, visual, audible and film medium used to convey information through the processes of correction, condensation, organization, and other modifications in various media, performed with an intention of producing a correct, consistent, accurate, and complete output.”
To start our editing process we loaded our footage onto final cut pro which allows us to store this and edit it. The first thing I did was to break down the footage into useable shots and place them into bins. I labeled these categories i.e. Sky shots, Derelict shots, and direct and indirect. However, the footage was already in order and broken into sections from the camera tape. This was a lot easier than AS and allowed us too shoot for footage and more effectively.
After the ground work was in place we then laid the track down so that when placing shots on the timeline we could be sure to sync them with the music so that the lip syncing was in time. However, I did have some difficulty when editing to make it as excited as possible as due our act being very organic we kept the script simple, but didn’t want to make the video boring. This lead to us incorporating jump cuts, blurs and saturation of colour, we did this by using Final cut pro with adobe after effects. However, I ran into issues with this as it was finding the boundaries where we added enough special effects to add to the cinematic effect without making it look over the top. Furthermore, it was also a very long process as each individual from had to be edited to achieve the desired effect you cannot just apple the effects to the role video.
The saturation of colour shows what he sees in the world as as opposed to what it is really like as although it is sunny, in his eyes it is tainted with darkness from the loss of his love.
Furthermore, when moving onto the more elaborate editing style we researched into the editing technique of montage. For inspiration we used one of Russia’s most prominent filmmakers, Sergie Eisenstein, he was essentially the father of montage and our mode of address as inspiration. He was a huge help in shaping the theme of our video and helped us establish the apocalyptic feel. This was furthermore exaggerating by the use of intercutting footage of the rubble and decay of urban London with shots of our artist.

Moreover, we subverted the commonly used convention of continuity editing by incorporating the montage technique which is less classical., and tries to shows the symbolic association of ideas between shots rather than simple psychical action for its continuity. This style of editing worked in our favor as this broken up and jiggered style of editing representing our artists and how he is broken, torn and unstable, not the classical type of country and western he is subverting the genre like we are doing in our editing technique. It also shows how his life is not smooth cut as it is normally portrayed in the media. It is more realistic that things aren’t always perfect and he is a perfect representation of how one thing can interrupt your life in such a grand way.
In conclusion I feel through the use of montage, jump cuts and saturation of colour we have achieved an apocalyptic feel and a look into how our artist sees the world, which is very intimate.