Wednesday, 24 February 2010

Props and Costumes

• Meat
• Syringes
• Rusty knifes
- Kitchen knife
- Pocket knife
• Cardboard Box
• Fake blood
• Cleaver
• Apron covered in blood stains
• Pair of big black boots
• Dirty work top- wooden
• White van

Target Audience

A target audience is a primary group of people that something is aimed at appealing to. A target audience can be people of a certain age group, gender, marital status.

Our thriller's target audience is between the ages of 18 - 40. This is because of the film being lurid and horrible. Although it would be aimed at a middle aged audience as well, the teenage age group would be the thrillers main audience as the teenage age group would be interested in the horror factor of the thriller. Furthermore the fact that it could apply to them, as a food scare is quite a universal problem. This is also how an older generation can relate to the movie as a there are constantly concerns in the media of food scares e.g. salmonella, foot and mouth and bird flu. This gives this phenomenon a twist as the meat farmer is deliberately trying to infect the meat as opposed to it being a virus “accidentally” passed through meat. In addition there is not a restriction on which gender this movie is aimed to as it can apply to all meat eaters. However, it could appeal more toward men as it is full of gore, arteries and blood.

Tuesday, 23 February 2010

Account of Research

When researching for food scares we found that this was a serious problem. This was beneficial to our thriller idea as it helped us understand that there would be a wide audience for our thriller due to it being a universal problem. We found images such as this which emphasize the problems with meat diseases.

We also had some ideas for our credits in the title sequence as we thought it would add to the gore having the credits dripping with blood. Using paint we made a mock up of what this would look like.

We also made a design for the company “Farm fresh best quality organic meat”. We wanted to put this design onto the box which is full of the poisoned meat helping the audience to make the connection that this butcher is corrupt and out to inflict pain on others. We made this design in paint using an image from the internet and word art, to create the writing. We then put these two images together to compose the logo: