Monday, 29 March 2010

Task 3- What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

The media institution which we thought would distribute our media product would be ‘Lionsgaate’. This decision was mostly due to the fact that the some of Lionsgate most profitable and well known films are films which are in our genre; these are films such as Saw and Hostel. These films represent a certain type of demographic of people who will watch movies with concentrated gore. The fact that Lionsgate would distribute our movie could also attract this Demographic as it is a similar movie to the ones which were so popular, giving the movie an aspect of pre-selling.
These movies are similar to my product as they have the main attraction point of heavy torture porn, although unlike movies like ‘Saw’ the torture is of meat and not people.
Our film could be exhibited in a similar way to these popular films, by showing bits of the gore which is to take place in the film to attract a certain type of audience who like these films. It has proven to be a popular genre and many people enjoy it, as Saw is now on its 5th franchise based only on the fact that so many people will pay to watch such heavy gore, this bodes well for our film due to its similarities.

Lionsgate also have similar ideals as our thriller does, as they focus mainly on the gore, blood and torture than of the actual plot in the opening sequence to attract the audience and keep them interested.
This is why I think Lionsgate would be the best distributer for our product to help it reach its maximum potential. It also has a twist on Lionsgate essential movie plots as instead of the gore and torture of people it is the massacre of animal meat and the death that is coming to whoever eats it, giving it a unique selling point which, in my opinion would appeal to Lionsgate.

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